July 26, 2021 | by Cbuchanan
Have you registered for the Kroger Community Reward Program? Hospice of Hope is listed as a recipient of the Kroger Community Rewards Program. The attached photo explains how to easily log in and select Hospice of Hope as a recipient of future financial gifts by just shopping at your local store.
If you have not already, please take a moment and log into KrogerCommunityRewards.com and then enroll into the program. Once enrolled, it will ask you to search for a qualified organization (Hospice of Hope is listed as #WT972). It’s easy - just shop at your local Kroger using your Plus Card, and a percentage of all sales will be applied to Hospice of Hope!
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Hospice of Hope, Inc. is a 501(c)3 organization licensed to provide end-of-life care services in Ohio and Kentucky.
Hospice of Hope, INC.
909 Kenton Station Drive
Maysville, KY 41056
606.759.4050 or 800.928.4848 800.648.6056 (TDD/TTY)
Attention: if you speak Spanish or Chinese, language assistance is free of charge and available by calling 888.808.9008 PIN 20319500
Website by Morweb.org
Copyright 2021