April 3, 2020 | by Cbuchanan
National Healthcare Decisions Day educates and empowers the public and healthcare providers to take part in important advance care planning. This includes advance directives, living wills, etc. Together these entities work to ensure that the information, opportunity, and access needed to document health care decisions is available to all decision-making capable adult citizens of United States and that their wishes are respected, whatever they may be.
Hospice of Hope knows the importance of these conversations, and we believe that these conversations are better started at the home instead of the hospital bed. However, a seemingly simple conversation isn’t always easy, especially if it is with a loved one. Working together, we can help to make these difficult conversations easier.
Talking about your end-of-life wishes can bring you closer to the people you love. It’s critically important, and you can do it. Here are some interesting statistics on the topic: 92% of people say that talking with their loved ones about end of life care is important. 32% of people have actually done it. 80% of people say that if seriously ill, they would want to talk to their doctor about wishes for medical treatment toward the end of their life. 18% of people have actually done it. 97% of people say it is important to put their wishes in writing. 37% of people have actually done it.
The Conversation Project has a very valuable resource on their website (thecoversationproject.org) called the Conversation Starter Kit that gives you specific topics and questions to talk about and ask your loved one if you are nearing this stage. It walks you through the conversation step-by-step and is very helpful, especially if you are nervous or don’t know what to say. Another valuable resource is Hospice of Hope’s social workers, physicians, and staff who are always willing and happy to help you with these conversations or just to give encouragement or a listening ear. For more information or to talk to one of our professionals, please call us at 606.759.4050 or 800.928.4848!
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Hospice of Hope, Inc. is a 501(c)3 organization licensed to provide end-of-life care services in Ohio and Kentucky.
Hospice of Hope, INC.
909 Kenton Station Drive
Maysville, KY 41056
606.759.4050 or 800.928.4848 800.648.6056 (TDD/TTY)
Attention: if you speak Spanish or Chinese, language assistance is free of charge and available by calling 888.808.9008 PIN 20319500
Website by Morweb.org
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